Watercolor Best Practices with Tina Bohlman

·         IF YOU WORK SITTING:  You will need a Table Easel: We will be working at a slant or in an upright position.

·         IF YOU WORK STANDING:  Bring your plein air easel.  I use “En Plein Air Pro” easel and palette both on location and in the studio. Available www.enpleinairpro.com or www.Amazon.com   

·         Palette:  Bring your current “favorite” or my preference: John Pike – just make sure it has at least 10 paint wells and a large (9” x 12” minimum) mixing area for BIG puddles of paint.


                     PAINT (please purchase professional grade)

·         Daniel Smith, Winsor Newton


-          My Palette of colors: (Daniel Smith unless otherwise noted)

-          *= required color  #=optional color

-          *Ultramarine Blue

-          *Cobalt Blue

-          #Cobalt Blue Violet

-          #Sap Green

-          *Burnt Sienna (Winsor Newton)

-          *Yellow Ochre

-          #Pyrrol Transparent Orange (dark red-orange)

-          #Raw Sienna

-          #Hansa Yellow light (or Aurolin)

-          *Hansa Yellow Medium

-          *New Gamboge

-          #Permanent rose or Winsor Red (Winsor Newton)

-          *Permanent alizarin crimson

-          #Titanium White or Opaque White Gouache


Watercolor brushes! nothing smaller than the sizes listed below:

*My Brushes: Silver Brush Black Velvet

Rounds:  #8, #12 and #16

#3 script/liner brush

Flat Wash:  1”


*Sketchbook for  class notes, composition & value sketches:   Any brand, spiral 5x7 or 6x8

Watercolor Pad (for practice) : Any inexpensive watercolor pad  9x12 or 11x14


*Paper:   Please purchase only Arches paper – This professional grade paper yields successful results!

·         1st Choice:  Arches OIL PAPER.  12 x 16 pad  This is a new Arches paper product THAT DOES NOT BUCKLE WHEN WET! PLUS COLOR LIFTS EASILY.

·         2ND Choice:  Arches Watercolor block, - 10 x 14 or 12x16 - 140# Cold Press


Best prices are online: Amazon,  Blick, Jerry’s, Cheap Joes.  Please allow 7 days shipping


Note: If you opt for the 12x16 Oil Paper Pad, you will need a rigid painting support for the paper:

1/8” foam core, cut to 16x20 (hobby Lobby)


*Other Items:

Drawing pencil or Mechanical pencil - 7mm or 9mm

1 Quart-size container for water. (wide mouth)

       Kneaded Eraser or White rubber eraser – Pentel “clic” is great!

        Roll of ½” drafting or painter’s tape

1 Box of Tissues

1 Roll BLUE SHOP Paper towels (HOME DEPOT)

1 oz - table salt

1 oz - instant tea (unsweetened)

Small square kitchen sponge