Sun and Moon


Oil, watercolor or acrylic. I prefer oils or watercolors. Acrylic can be difficult outside. I use several common brands: Gamblin, Winsor Newton, Rembrandt. Use Artist or Professional Quality if possible.

Start with a limited palette

  1. Ultramarine Blue.

  2. Alizarin Crimson

  3. Cadmium Yellow LIGHT.

  4. WHITE (titamium or a zinc-titanium mix.)

For an extended palette add

  1. Another blue (Cobalt, or cerulean or pthalo)

  2. Brilliant scarlet (available in most brands. Or Cadmium red LIGHT).

  3. Another yellow (I like Indian Yellow by Winsor Newton)

  4. Pthalo Green (a small tube will do)


Bring Plenty of panels or papers! They will not go to waste!! We mainly use se smaller sizes:
6x8, 8x10, 9x12 And if you like to work larger, bring those, too :)

  1. Canvas or linen panels (for oil painters)

  2. Watercolor Paper. 140# or 90# (If using wc, a wc block is best.)

  3. Blue tape and foam core for papers not on a block. You will want to tape down all four sides.


Brushes #4, #6, #8...and one small one -#2
Filberts for oils, rounds for watercolor


  1. Palette

  2. Turps or water in container

  3. Easel or table set-up

  4. Chair

  5. Paper towels

  6. Sketchbook

  7. Wet panel carrier OR... 6 med. size Binder clips

  8. 4 - 6 sturdy rubber bands

  9. Drawing pencils or pens

  10. Hat & sunscreen

Bring Snacks! We might want to stay out longer! I will have an ice chest for us to share


  • various paints that may include but not limited to: gouache, watercolor, acrylic,

  • watercolor pencils and other water soluble paints

  • any markers, ink, crayons, pastels, pencils that you like to use

  • ruler