Watercolor with Sandy Reese


I prefer Arches #140 cold press but if you have another brand it is fine.  Several companies make pads of watercolor paper that are suitable for the practice things we will do and are less expensive.  The results are not always great, but we will be practicing a lot.


This is my color palette, but if you already have a favorite selection of colors, feel free to use what you have.

  1. Alizarin crimson

  2. Red (Windsor red, permanent red)                                                                             

  3. Ultramarine blue

  4. Cobalt blue                                        

  5. Yellow ochre

  6. New gamboge (warm yellow)

  7. Aureolin (yellow)

  8. Burnt sienna

  9. Sap green

  10. Quinacridone gold (optional)

  11. manganese blue (optional)

  12. Transparent red oxide (optional)


with 10-12 wells, preferably with a lid


2-3 inch flat wash

Small flat brush

Rigger (also called a script brush)

Rounds, sizes 2,4,8,10, 14 or the size you have


water container (Cool Whip bowl, cottage cheese container, for example), three (3)small 1 oz. spray bottles (available at Walmart in the travel size bottles,containers)

Old toothbrush, table salt, masking tape, paper towels, tissue, red or blue (any color but black)ballpoint, graphite paper

 pen, masking fluid (Pebeo or any brand), small spray bottle for water, OLD small brush for masking, and a support to tape your paper to (Masonite, foam-core, even a big enough piece of stiff cardboard will work).    

Bring some of your photos that you would like to paint.  I will have patterns for you to use to begin with.

Don’t worry if you don’t have everything. Just bring a “can do” attitude--we are here to have fun and make art.