CAPTURING LIGHT - Interpreting Values and Shapes with Desmond O’Hagan


Set of soft pastels with a good variety of dark, medium, and light colors (no oil pastels or nu pastels). The brands I use are Unison, Rembrandt, Sennelier, and Jack Richeson soft pastels.

If interested (but not necessary for the workshop), I have designed a pastel set for Jack Richeson Co. called Desmond O'Hagan Essential Pastels which can be purchased at Dakota Arts and Judson Art Outfitters:

Also bring a drop cloth, pastel paper of choice (not too heavily sanded), easel, drawing board support for pastel paper, portable easel, kneaded eraser, medium charcoal sticks, masking tape, and photographs from which to work.  

If working in oils, the colors I use, if interested, are Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Viridian, Burnt Sienna, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Yellow Light, and Titanium White. Please use water soluble oils or have odorless thinner for painting.

Please bring a variety of photographs including figurative, landscape, urbanscape, etc.  Lastly, please bring two medium thick point magic markers (black and medium grey) and a few sheets of regular printer paper.