Dedication of Umlauf's "Uccelli" Reminds of How Far Art Center Has Come

Dedication of Umlauf's "Uccelli" Reminds of How Far Art Center Has Come

On Saturday November 1, 2008, the Art Center welcomed back Mr. Cam Leonard and his family to dedicate his donation of Charles Umlauf's "Uccelli" into the Sculpture Garden. Leonard, a founding father of the Sculpture Garden and past president of the Art Center, was present along with Jesus Moroles (a long-time friend of Mr. Leonard), who designed the base for the donated sculpture. Also in attendance was Harold Phenix, another long-time friend of Mr. Leonard and of the Art Center, as Phenix was the first Art Festival Poster Artist in 1993.

Many remember that Cam Leonard was president at the time the Bruhl/O'Connor home was donated to the Art Center back in the 1980s, and was a contributor to Jesus Moroles' "Lighthouse Fountain" installed in 2002. Cam and his late wife Virginia both served and gave of their time and resources to make the Art Center successful. Mr Leonard's current contribution of a permanent sculpture is made all the more significant at the dawn of the Art Center's 40th Anniversary.

The Art Center thanks Mr. Leonard for his continued generosity and care, Jesus Moroles and Moroles Studio for designing and installing the base, and Harold Phenix for speaking at the dedication ceremony.